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Please contact erika@erikasenftmiller.com for any questions about Empowered Learning?

About Empowered

To create a supportive work and learning environment we must understand what we need in order to focus, re-focus, or re-energize. Understanding what space supports us and understanding what we need to focus (and therefore learn better) are the first steps of Empowered Learning.

To create a supportive work and learning environment we must understand what we need in order to focus, re-focus, or re-energize. Understanding what space supports us and understanding what we need to focus (and therefore learn better) are the first steps of Empowered Learning.

What is Empowered Learning?

What is Empowered Learning?

Each one of us has different preferences when it comes to our immediate surroundings - what distracts us, what hones in our attention, how long we can sit still for before we begin to fidget. 

We all learn differently and have different triggers that distract us or help us focus. The goal is to help students understand where and how they learn best, what their learning style is, and how to cultivate that environment within the limitations of a classroom or wherever else they may be.

About Empowered Learning

About Empowered Learning

I (Anna) was not built to sit at a desk for hours on end. I am not a traditional learner. Growing up in a household that celebrates unique learning styles, I learned that it was possible to honor my learning needs within a traditional classroom. I wanted to provide other students with the alternate learning environments I had access to at home so they too could learn what their learning needs are and how to honor them. 

Empowered Learning merges my (Erika) academic work and my parenting. My masters’ research in movement as a teaching tool led to my EdD research focusing on play in education. I have worked with universities, inner city schools, theaters, community centers and private schools. As a licensed physical therapist and Alexander Technique teacher I understand and value the importance of physical support and wellbeing in maximizing our potential.

Our unique learning styles are our superpowers. We hope that you as well as your student will find and feel the empowerment through Empowered Learning.

Empowered Learning was created by

Erika Senft Miller, Dipl Wirt Ing (FH) MSPT, EdD


Anna Senft Miller, BS


A collaboration with King Street Center Burlington, VT.

King Street Center's mission is to empower youth to explore their talents and find their voice through learning, play, and opportunity. 

Please contact Erika Senft Miller for any questions regarding Empowered Learning

© 2023 THIS IS EMPOWERED LEARNING. All rights reserved.